Brussels, early 17th century, by Maarten II Reymbouts (Reynbouts) (active 1576-1618), designs after Giulio Romano (circa 1499-1546) and Giovanni Francesco Penni (circa 1496-after 1528), scene from the Deeds of Scipio Africanus series, depicting the meeting of Scipio and Hannibal before the Battle of Zama, a river winds through the center left, on the left bank Scipio, wearing armor, a cloak, and a laurel crown, looks across the river, foot and mounted soldiers stand behind him, on the right bank Hannibal, wearing a turban and carrying a sword at his left hip, gestures across to Scipio, center right foreground, a similarly dressed figure sits turned away from the viewer, with a quiver of arrows on the ground next to him, at right, a dark skinned figure in similar dress, carrying a sword and a bow and arrows, looks forward, soldiers and elephants fill the right bank and distance, “four elements” style border, with narrow stylized acanthus on either side: upper border with various birds and Jupiter riding on the back of an eagle in a central cartouche of clouds; wooded landscapes with lions, deer, camels, rabbits, and other animals on sides and mermen, mermaids, and dolphins in waves, flanking Neptune riding his chariot at lower border, allegorical female figures representing in corners, Brussels mark at bottom right selvage, weaver's mark at lower right selvage, "58598" and “58597” (French & Co. stock sheet numbers) written in ink on reverse, 129 x 122 in.
Provenance: 1919 possibly sold by Galerie, Georges Petit, Paris, France; before 1923 acquired by Watson B. Dickerman of New York, NY; 1923 inherited from Watson B. Dickerman by Florence Elaine Calkin Dickerman (Mrs. Watson B. Dickerman) of New York; December 9, 1959 gift of Florence Elaine Calkin Dickerman, to the Brooklyn Museum; Property from the Brooklyn Museum
Publication History: Georgian Furniture and Decorations, Old English Porcelain, Silver, Paintings, Tapestries, Belonging to Mrs. Watson B. Dickerman, New York, and from the Collection of the Late Dr. Walter Timme, Cold Spring, N.Y., and from Other Sources. New York: Parke-Bernet Galleries, 1957. pp. 80-81, lots 396-397 (ill.); Schwartz, Marvin D. “Department of Decorative Arts.” The Brooklyn Museum Annual 1 (1959-1960): 50; Asselberghs, Jean-Paul. Les tapisseries Flamandes aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique. Brussels: Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, 1974. p. 53.
“Conference between Scipio and Hannibal before Battle of Zama, c. 1590-1610.” Study Photographs of Tapestries, catalogued by Adolph S. Cavallo and Thomas P. Campbell, 1914-1995. Getty Research Institute 97.P.7. Original DB ID 977.