an assorted selection of the archaeologist's finds and personal fascinations: approximately 45 pieces of miscellaneous potsherds [sic], ceramic, and glass artifacts and objects, including four 17th to 19th century clay pipe bowl fragments, one with delicately applied scroll work; two old green glass bottle seals, one stamped "ICC", the other, "Hd B&C"; sherds [sic] of red gloss terra sigillata ware with relief decoration (likely fragments from Romano-Gaulish samian ware); a reconstructed earthenware pot from the Burnett Collection that Noel Hume repaired with plaster of Paris; a fragment of mosaic tile work with pale yellow, red, blue, and white mosaic tiles with mortar still holding the arranged tiles in place (possibly Roman); green slag grass rock; and other partial stoneware vessels and glass fragments; Note: The reconstructed earthenware pot is illustrated in literature: Ivor Noël Hume, If These Pots Could Talk: Collecting 2,000 Years of British Household Pottery, Hanover and London: Chipstone Foundation and New England Press, 2001, page 40, Fig. 11.29, ill.; Provenance: The I. Noel Hume Collection of Artifacts and Antiquities
all items are fragments and have extensive wear and surface dirt